watch this movie sometimes ago with frenz [marogal blog].. trying to shift some movie review to this blog... hahaa so double posting... oopz...
i'm curious on how the Tony Stark survive without the 'heart' pumping.??. hahaa yaya.. ok is Iron man....heartless man =.=''.... overall the movie is quite funny also ... and the technology of his, creating his suit is so interesting... the robots and the 3D editing... wow (seems nice to play 0.O) hahahaa
his cellphone network is so terror also... flying and fighting... the phonecalls is still on connected... kekeee... where can find such phone now??
btw... noticed the malay title of iron man?? is so funny... called ''orang besi'' lolz... sounds like those lousy steel made ppl.... kekeeeee
found some poster from the net