鄭秀文一連十場 LOVE MI 演唱會即將係平安夜開唱直到明年四日 (中間休息一日) 為了慶祝這盛事 goyeah.com 一連五日獨家首播 鄭秀文演唱會倒數日誌。
Sammi Cheng LOVE MI Concert 2009 countdown diary is now available exclusively by GoYeah.com, Hong Kong first FREE movies, videos and entertainment by Celebrities Website.
香港首個免費電影/錄像及由明星親身上陣的網上遊戲網站 <<夠Yeah>>
(GoYeah.com) 獲得鄭秀文Love Mi世界巡迴演唱會香港站獨家首播權,到時「鄭秀文演唱會倒數日誌」及鄭秀文演唱會20分鐘精華內容免費任睇!
Link: http://goyeah.com/index.php?control=activity&action=sammi
The countdown dairy started from today 19th to 23th December.
Is actually a FREE website of movies and entertainment website just streaming within Hong Kong. Last week I was able to stream the movies on net too. Unfortunately, they close the privilege to oversea recently. Luckily some of program still can be viewed especially this Sammi Countdown Dairy.!!
For those MI Fanz who are unable to attend the concert, can still feel the hit from here and enjoy the most excitement 20mins live after the concert. A winner for the question competition will win a Philip Stein watch worth of HKD6,680 !!
Updated 6-Jan-2010
Sammi LOVE MI Concert 20分鐘精華內容 is ready to be watched la...!!!
check it out...