Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sammi LOVE MI Concert 2009 Countdown Dairy

鄭秀文一連十場 LOVE MI 演唱會即將係平安夜開唱直到明年四日 (中間休息一日) 為了慶祝這盛事 一連五日獨家首播 鄭秀文演唱會倒數日誌。

Sammi Cheng LOVE MI Concert 2009 countdown diary is now available exclusively by, Hong Kong first FREE movies, videos and entertainment by Celebrities Website.

香港首個免費電影/錄像及由明星親身上陣的網上遊戲網站 <<夠Yeah>>
( 獲得鄭秀文Love Mi世界巡迴演唱會香港站獨家首播權,到時「鄭秀文演唱會倒數日誌」及鄭秀文演唱會20分鐘精華內容免費任睇!


The countdown dairy started from today 19th to 23th December.

Is actually a FREE website of movies and entertainment website just streaming within Hong Kong. Last week I was able to stream the movies on net too. Unfortunately, they close the privilege to oversea recently. Luckily some of program still can be viewed especially this Sammi Countdown Dairy.!!

For those MI Fanz who are unable to attend the concert, can still feel the hit from here and enjoy the most excitement 20mins live after the concert. A winner for the question competition will win a Philip Stein watch worth of HKD6,680 !!

Updated 6-Jan-2010

Sammi LOVE MI Concert 20分鐘精華內容 is ready to be watched la...!!!

check it out...


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Album: Roundup (new plus best) [unbox]

Trying to compile the old blog post about my albums collection from the old yahoo blog..

何韻詩 - Roundup (新曲 + 精選)
Release Date: 2003-04-04
Publisher: EMI Music

The love life of Denise Ho has always been open for the guessing game and in her latest compilation + new songs album "Roundup" she sends everybody the message that she is in love now through the tune "I Have Found"! The song includes the following lines '…I have arrived at the end of a long journey, … things I lost yesterday I have found anew …. I have cried enough, it is time to smile …'
Denise's new release contains 4 new songs including a cover version of her instructor Anita Mui's song "Lessons in Love"! As for the song compilation part it includes the touching ballad "Angel Blue", "Luminent Family", "Everchanging Me" among many others and also features the Mandarin songs "Searching for the Lover's Taste" and "Love You Like Crazy"! In addition, the deluxe Hong Kong version comes with the exclusive cartoon theme song "Small Pill's Emotional Problems"!

inside - booklet, poster, postcards, etc..

Product Information / Track List

01. 兄弟
02. 我找到了
03. 有得做
04. 絕對
05. 愛的教育(翻唱梅艷芳)
06. 光榮之家
07. 未來
08. 迷你與我
09. 露絲瑪莉
10. 神經痛
11. 女人煩(梅艷芳/何韻詩合唱)
12. 天使藍
13. 千千萬萬個我
14. 愛人尋味(國語)("Shampoo"國語版)
15. 愛死你(國語)("勁愛你"國語版)
16. 小丸子的心事 -----> i dint have this song !!! (it's just available in limited edition in HK)


真係幾齊全ga這碟...D經典歌...我找到了...絕對...光榮之家...神經痛.....千千萬萬個我.....!! 仲有好多相相...書仔... postcard... poster...令當時ge我發現原來買一個CD係可以有咁多野送ga..!!! (之前買cd都無)... ahahaaa

Purchase this from : 1 Utama - rock corner ---->03-02-2005<-----


Friday, December 11, 2009

Album: Sammi Ultimate Collection [unbox]

Trying to compile the old blog post about my albums collection from the old yahoo blog..

Bought this 3 years ago, it is quite worthy because it has all the best sammi's songs compilation in an album which consists of 52 songs and 38MTVs

Sammi Ultimate Collection (3CD + 2DVD)
Release date: 2006-09-18
Publisher: Warner Music Hong Kong

Product Information / Track List
The album features two new remixes, "Pink Superwoman vs. Grey Androgyny" and "Long Lasting Aftertaste", blending some of Sammi Cheng's best-known up-tempo songs and expressive tunes. The two DVDs also categorize the MVs in a similar manner. 16 MVs for fast beat songs are collected in DVD Disc 1, while 22 MVs for ballads can be found on DVD Disc 2. No true Sammi fan can resist the temptation of such a musical gem.

CD 1
01. 粉紅色的神奇女俠大戰灰色的非男非女 (全新Remix)
02. 男仕今天你很好
03. 小心女人
04. X派對
05. 非男非女
06. 一夜成名
07. 星秀傳說 (Everyone Is A Superstar)
08. 表演時間
09. 發熱發亮
10. 煞科
11. 獨家試唱
12. 愛是
13. 螢光粉紅
14. 神化
15. 神奇女俠
16. 大暴走
17. 粉紅色的神奇女俠大戰灰色的非男非女 Extended Version (全新Remix)

CD 2
01. 回味無窮 (全新Remix)
02. 捨不得你
03. 愛的輓歌
04. 不拖不欠
05. 唉聲嘆氣
06. 默契
07. 最後一次
08. 哭泣遊戲
09. 插曲
10. Arigatou
11. 感情線上
12. 終身美麗
13. 交換溫柔
14. 回來我身邊
15. 落錯車
16. 傷
17. 回味無窮 Extended Version (全新Remix)

CD 3
01. 放不低
02. 值得 (國語)
03. 問我
04. 加爾各答的天使-德蘭修女
05. 談情說愛(葉蒨文合唱)
06. 為何又是這樣錯
07. 理想對象
08. 心血來潮
09. 愛您是我一生中理想
10. 宿命主義
11. 如果我們不再見
12. 如何掉眼淚
13. 醫生與我
14. 你愛我愛不起
15. 玻璃鞋
16. 跳傘
17. 上一次流淚
18. 世界之最 [你願意]

DVD 1 fast _ Music Video
01. 粉紅色的神奇女俠大戰灰色的非男非女 (Ex Version) Karaoke
02. 男仕今天你很好 MV
03. 小心女人 MV
04. 非男非女 MV
05. 表演時間 MV
06. 寵物 MV
07. 發熱發亮 MV
08. 煞科 MV
09. 愛是… MV
10. Ladies First MV
11. 獨家試唱 MV
12. 螢光粉紅 MV
13. 神化 MV
14. 心肝命椗 MV
15. 神奇女俠 MV
16. 大暴走 MV

DVD 2 slow _ Music Video
01. 回味無窮 (Ex Version) Karaoke
02. 捨不得你 MV
03. 我們的主題曲 MV
04. 愛的輓歌 MV
05. 不拖不欠 MV
06. 默契 MV
07. 最後一次 MV
08. 唉聲嘆氣 MV
09. 哭泣遊戲 MV
10. 理想對象 MV
11. 愛您是我一生中理想 MV
12. 插曲 MV
13. 宿命主義 MV
14. Arigatou MV
15. 終身美麗 MV
16. 交換溫柔 MV
17. 如何掉眼淚 MV
18. 如果我們不再見 MV
19. 回來我身邊 MV
20. 傷 MV
21. 多得他 MV
22. 喜歡戀愛 MV

Can still get this album from Yesasia or from other local music shops


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Album: Faith (CD + MOOV Live 2009 Sammi + Bonus MV)

信 (CD + MOOV Live + MV DVD) released today !!!

鄭秀文自2007年全面復出演藝界後,12月終於推出復出後首張全新大碟《信 FAITH》,以11首福音歌在 流行和創意元素中注入信望愛的訊息,並於年底舉行首次跨年演唱會《Love Mi 鄭秀文世界巡迴演唱會》,為紀念入行廿年。多年前曾經陷於人生低潮的 Sammi,在新碟中以歌詞帶出她想表達及分享的信息,希望身邊的人在迷乏中覓得人生新目標。以樂隊人山人海作為創作班底,Sammi與老拍擋陳奐仁 (MC仁)再次合作「信者得愛」,又與廿四味炮製警世的「罪與罰」,並邀請不同音樂人合作,演繹王菀之作曲的「結果」、周耀輝的「阿門」,以及翻唱了高皓正的「不要驚動愛情」。
Sammi 早前於10月13日舉行 Moov Live 2009 音樂會,將福音歌給樂迷率先分享。隨碟特別收錄︰ Moov Live 2009 的現場實況及四首全新歌曲 MV DVD。

歌手:鄭秀文 (Sammi, Cheng)
唱片名稱:Faith 信 (CD + MOOV Live + MV DVD)
01. 信者得愛 (Featuring MC仁)
02. 罪與罰 (Featuring 24Herbs)
03. 上帝早已預備
04. 不要驚動愛情
05. 結果
06. 你愛我
07. 有一種快樂
08. Forgiveness (英) (Featuring 24Herbs)
09. 阿門 (國)
10. 你愛我 (國)

MOOV Live 2009 Sammi
01. 叮叮噹
02. 罪與罰
03. 上帝早已預備
04. 信者得愛
05. 有一種快樂
06. Forgiveness
07. 結果
08. 不要驚動愛情
09. 阿門
10. Forgiveness 合唱: 鄭秀文/陳奐仁
11. Killing me softly with his song

Bonus MV
01. 信者得愛 (MV)
02. 罪與罰 (MV)
03. 有一種快樂 (MV)
04. Forgiveness (MV)

Shall be in-stock at all musical shops through out Malaysia soon. Give them some time for shipment as Hong Kong just released it today.
else can also purchase online through or

A must album for this Christmas !!!
It's really worth it with the Moov Live DVD and 4 MVs included..
I'm going HK to buy it.. yeah..!!! can buy as xmas present to friends too...hahaa


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Storm Warriors Premier Tickets

After 11 years gap from the 風雲, here comes the 風雲 II with both the same main cast - Aaron Kwok and Ekin Cheng !!! But change all the female cast.. hahhaaa so bad.

Aaron and Ekin was here on Dec 2, last week in Malaysia with the Pang Brothers (director of the film)

the main purpose of this post is actually to show the pictures of the Premier tickets for tomorrow (Dec 9) !!!.. hahahaa because is quite unique.

sponsored by EON Bank Group...


Friday, December 4, 2009

42nd TVB Anniversary Award 2009

萬千星輝頒獎典禮 2009

LIVE on Astro on Demand [ch933] tonight.

萬千星輝頒獎典禮2009最佳男主角 Best Actor
黎耀祥 Wayne Lai

萬千星輝頒獎典禮2009最佳女主角 Best Actress

萬千星輝頒獎典禮2009最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor
謝天华 Michael Tse

萬千星輝頒獎典禮2009最佳女配角 Best Supporting Actress

萬千星輝頒獎典禮2009我最喜愛的電視男角色 Most Favorite Male Character
黎耀祥 Wayne Lai

萬千星輝頒獎典禮2009我最喜愛的電視女角色 Most Favorite Female Character
杨怡 Tavia Yeung

萬千星輝頒獎典禮2009飛躍進步男藝員 Most Improved Actor
敖嘉年 Pierre Ngo

萬千星輝頒獎典禮2009飛躍進步女藝員 Most Improved Actress
陳茵媺 Aimee Chan

萬千星輝頒獎典禮2009 最佳表現大奬 Best Performance
楊怡 Tavia Yeung

萬千星輝頒獎典禮2009最佳劇集 Best Drama
巾帼枭雄 Rosy Business

萬千星輝頒獎典禮2009最佳節目主持 Best Host
王祖蓝 Wong Cho Lam, 錢嘉乐 Chin Ka Lok, 曾志伟 Eric Tsang, 阮兆祥 Louis Yuen (铁甲无敌掌门人 The Super Trio Show)

萬千星輝頒獎典禮2009 萬千星輝演藝大獎 Lifetime Achievement Award
李添胜 Lee Tim Sing (监制 of 巾帼枭雄)

萬千星輝頒獎典禮2009最佳綜藝資訊節目 Best Variety Show
星星同学会 Club Sparkle

萬千星輝頒獎典禮2009 TVB.COM人氣大獎 Popularity Award

萬千星輝頒獎典禮2009 最具欣賞價值大獎 Most Enjoyable Program
霎时感动 One From the Heart

Other sexy pictures =]






















congrats to 四奶奶 and 柴九!!... wow after last year, Tavia got 2 awards this year.... too bad Charmaine din't have any although two of her characters were nominated.


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