Friday, April 24, 2009

Album: The Songs, The Film And His Autobiography (2CD + DVD) [unbox]

got this album with the Lady Cop & Papa Crook DVD and East Asia Capital Artist Concert CDs last month ...oops keep buying albums and dvd these months.. hahhaa too much nice albums recently la....  =.=''

The Songs (2CD)

The Film And His Autobiography (DVD)

Where to buy:
2) order from Local music shop ie Rock Corner, Victoria Station

YesAsia Editorial Description

Andy Hui's latest album The Songs, The Film and His Autobiography is touted as the definitive compilation for the acclaimed Canto-pop singer, and that's not entirely marketing rhetoric. The 2CD, 36-track release boasts the most representative songs from his successful career spanning over 20 years, and that just covers about one-third of what it has to offer.

The Bonus DVD houses Andy's directorial debut in the 30-minute short film "The Magic Cube Nerd" (starring 6wing of FAMA and Jo Kuk, written by Erica Li, and lensed by Herman Yau), as well as a 40-minute retrospective special on Andy.

Product Information / Track List

許志安09年 專輯 “自導/自傳” 新曲+精選 (2CD+DVD)
華星+東亞+正東 史上最强 「安歌」 精選

專輯收錄 36首 樂迷及許志安 最喜愛 新舊 「安歌」:-
“男人最痛” “爛泥” “其實你心裡有沒有我” “火熱動感LaLaLa”…….

“天下有情人” “Bottoms Up”及“你傷風我感冒”

首批限量 前後雙封面豪華包裝 加送DVD 除收錄新歌“天下有人”MV 外
另收錄 許志安 親自執導30分鐘短片 “魔方宅男” (演員-陸永@農夫/谷祖琳 編劇-李敏 攝影-邱禮濤)
及 40分鐘回顧:- 許志安 踏入樂壇到現在二三事
(Paco Wong 車沅沅 林海峰 梁漢文 郭啟華 張衛健 雷頌德 葛文輝
鄧建明 鄭秀文 蔡一智 盧凱彤at17 蘇永康.....)

CD 1 - On Core Collection
01. 戀愛片段
02. 將冰山劈開 - (梅艷芳/許志安)
03. 火熱動感La La La - (郭富城/鄭秀文/梁漢文/許志安)
04. 翻騰
05. Bottoms Up (New Song)
06. 喜歡妳是妳
07. 雨後陽光
08. 其實你心裡有沒有我 - (鄭秀文/許志安)
09. 想說 (國)
10. 心血
11. 天下有情人 (New Song)
12. 男人最痛
13. 唯獨你是不可取替
14. 前程錦繡
15. 我的天 我的歌
16. 你傷風我感冒 (New Song)
17. 空前絕後
18. 爛泥

CD 2 - On His Own Collection
01. 不倦的蝴蝶
02. 反正經
03. 徹夜纏綿
04. 從沒這麼愛戀過
05. 我心中有你
06. 愛在一程車的時間
07. 讓我待你好一點
08. 迷糊、情慾、對象
09. 用愛造世界
10. 下次
11. 孫果與了因
12. 別說歸家
13. 教我如何不愛他 - (葉德嫻/許志安)
14. 荒廢的樂園
15. 從你祝福中離開
16. 灰飛煙滅
17. 一丁點
18. 大愛

01. 自導:魔方宅男 (30分鐘)
02. 天下有情人MV
03. 自傳:許志安的二三事 The Retrospect (40分鐘)

Album: East Asia Capital Artists Concert 2008 (3CD) [unbox]

the most wanted concert CD - East Asia Capital Artists live Concert 2008 東亞華星演唱會 ... because comprised of all my favourite artists !!! got HOCC, Sammi, Andy Hui and Andy Lau etc

i had been waiting for the cds and dvd since the concert is announced in HK last year -blog.. hahhaa and finally the concert held on 13th and 15th December 2008 - blog.

taaa---dahhhhhh here the cd is out.....!! got it from yesasia... hahaaa

East Asia Capital Artists Concert 2008 (3CD)
Release date: 2009-03-04
Publisher: East Asia Music

3CDs all together..... currently i keep listening to Disc 1 and 3... hahaha the disc 2 is mostly the new singers... the best song i love the most is Sammi singing - Anita Mui's 女人心 ...

I think if you wanna get it in Malaysia :
1) need to order from music shop ie Rock Corner, victoria station
2) purchase online -

YesAsia Editorial Description

Capital Artists was one of the most influential record labels in Hong Kong from the 1970s to 1990s, having produced countless classic songs and given birth to some of the biggest pop stars we grew up listening to. In 2008, the company was merged with East Asia Music, and in December, two sold-out concerts were held with a star-studded ensemble of former Capital Artists singers present to bring back the memories of the golden era of Hong Kong pop music.
Famous Capital Artists alumni like Sammi Cheng, Andy Hui, Miriam Yeung, Denise Ho, and Andy Lau (who enjoyed a brief stint at the label) perform their own past hits as well as those of other Capital Artists singers, especially the late pop legends Leslie Cheung, Anita Mui, and Roman Tam. Also paying tribute to Capital Artists are guest singers Richie Ren, Wilfred Lau, Ivana Wong, Chet Lam, Pong Nan, Bosco Wong, and groups at17, Fama, and 24Herbs. The 3-hour concert is captured in its entirety on this 3-CD release.

Product Information / Track List

華星唱片 一個伴著香港人成長的唱片品牌 一個生產無數經典歌曲的音樂工廠
2008年 東亞唱片 重金收購華星唱片 並舉辨了2場 「東亞華星演唱會」
重燃華星光芒 為我們尋回美好回憶
現推出演唱會CD 收錄了整個演唱會的歌曲 (3小時) 並以3 CD發行
演出歌手包括: 劉德華/鄭秀文/楊千嬅/許志安/何韻詩/任賢齊/王菀之/劉浩龍/

CD 1
01. 飛躍舞台 - 楊千嬅 / 何韻詩 / 許志安
02. 火熱動感LALALA - Full Cast
03. 光明會 / 艷光四射 - 何韻詩
04. Medley - 何韻詩
  a. 光榮之家
  b. 勞斯萊斯
  c. 如無意外
  d. 化蝶
  e. 韻律泳
  f. 明目張膽
  g. 木紋
  h. 青山黛瑪
05. 將冰山劈開 - 何韻詩 / 許志安
06. Medley - 許志安
  a. 心血
  b. 男人最痛
  c. 戀愛片段
  d. 男人最痛
  e. 徹夜纏綿
  f. 灰飛煙滅
  g. 男人的感慨
  h. 喜歡你是你
  I. 雨後陽光
  j. 唯獨你是不可取替
07. 是這樣的 - 楊千嬅 / 尹子維
08. 只怕不再遇上 - 楊千嬅 / 尹子維
09. 誰令你心痴 - 衛詩 / 應昌佑
10. 緣份 - 劉浩龍 / 王菀之
11. 神啊! 求求讓我睡 - 劉浩龍
12. 與我常在 - 劉浩龍
13. 聽得見的青春 - 衛詩
14. 激光中 / 舉高隻手 / RESPECT就OK - 廿四味 / 農夫 / 方皓文

CD 2
01. 纏綿遊戲 - 王菀之
02. 迷人Pink Lady - 王菀之
03. 伴我啟航 / 忍著淚說GOODBYE - 黃宗澤 / 劉浩龍 / 藍奕邦
04. 全角度愛你 - 黃宗澤
05. 問誰領風騷 - at17 / 林一峰
06. 不要重播 - 林一峰
07. 天大地大 - at17
08. 矇矓夜雨裡 - at17 / 林一峰 / 任賢齊
09. 兒歌 Medley :
  a. 超人的主題曲 - 農夫
  b. 我係小忌廉 - 方皓文 / 黃鎧晴
  c. 足球小將 - 劉浩龍
  d. 千年女王 - 王菀之
  e. 430穿梭機 - Group /林一峰
  f. 叮噹 - AT17 / 衛詩
  g. 黃金戰士 - 應昌佑 / 藍奕邦
  h. 小丸子的心事 - 何韻詩
  I. IQ博士 - Group
10. Medley - 楊千嬅
  狼來了 / 愛人 / 少女的祈禱 / 再見二丁目
11. 撈月亮的人 - 楊千嬅

CD 3
01. Medley - 鄭秀文
  熱愛島 / CHOTTO等等 / 叮噹
02. 女人心 - 鄭秀文
03. 唯獨你是不可取替 - 鄭秀文
04. 我恨我痴心 - 劉德華
05. 只知道此刻愛你 - 劉德華
06. Medley - 劉德華
  獨自去偷歡 / 倒轉地球 / 開心的馬騮
07. 為你鍾情 - 劉德華
08. Power Medley :
  a. 夢伴 - 楊千嬅 / 何韻詩
  b. Stand Up - 許志安
  c. 壞女孩 - 鄭秀文
  d. 在我生命裡 - Group
  e. 黑色午夜 - 何韻詩
  f. 妖女 - 楊千嬅
  g. Monica - Group
09. 浪淘沙 - Full Cast


Thursday, April 23, 2009

DVD: Lady Cop & Papa Crook (Director's Cut)

大搜查之女 (DVD) (導演加長版)

After watching the movie in cinema for twice beginning of the year... finally the DVD is out.... the best part is that it comes with the full version of - ''Director's Cut'' ... !!! 

Malaysia is selling the cinema version.... so i bought this through  

Finally I got to watch the parts that was missing previously - blog - ie pregnant sammi !! and some tiny parts... the ending, Eason was not caught by the China police.. he got back to Hong Kong and continue to be the head of ''traids'' although he told Sammi that he already stop all illegal things...   Sammi caught him on video by fixing a hidden camera in a teddy bear for his new born baby.   There is almost 5 - 10mins  more at the Ending !!  

the FULL version is much much better than the cinema version la...!!! 

I think if you wanna get it in Malaysia :
1) need to order from music shop ie Rock Corner 
2) purchase online -

Product Information / Track List

另一結局導演加長版 (首度暴光)

* 特別收錄:
- 製作特輯
- 預告
* 片長: 98/91 分鐘

導演: 麥兆輝,莊文強

經營非法紅油的黑道油王霍青松(陳奕迅 飾)因一次油車爆炸意外成為香港警方及國內公安眼中釘,此時要面對獨生子被綁架的他顯得心焦如焚。

高級督察司徒慕蓮(鄭秀文 飾)是警隊明日之星,以精明幹練見稱警界,她接手偵查霍青松之子綁架案的任務,動員全幫上下追查,帶隊進駐霍家,使他決定與警方合作救出兒子。



English synopsis here.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

The 28th Hong Kong Film Awards (第28屆香港電影金像獎)

just finish watching the LIVE broadcast from Astro... however it was ''live'' through HK TVB... TVB had cut alot of the scenes !!! many winners had their speech cut halfway.. =.='' i think is to speed up in case overtime at the end...

I had search through the web for the latest awarded list and some pix too

The 28th Hong Kong Film Awards

最佳導演 :許鞍华《天水圍的日与夜》

最佳男主角: 張家輝 Nick Cheung 《証人》

最佳女主角: 鮑起静《天水圍的日与夜》

最佳男配角: 廖启智《証人》

最佳新人獎: 徐嬌《长江7號》

最佳影片 :《叶問》 監製:黄百鳴
最佳編劇 :吕筱华《天水圍的日与夜》
最佳女配角: 陳丽云《天水圍的日与夜》
最佳攝影: 黄岳泰《画皮》
最佳剪輯: 邱志伟《保持通話》
最佳美术指導: 叶錦添 《赤壁》
服装造型設計: 叶錦添 《赤壁》
最佳动作設計: 洪金宝 梁小熊 《叶問》
最佳音響效果: 吴江 Roger Savage 《赤壁》
最佳视覺效果: Heather Abels《赤壁》
原創电影音樂: 岩代太郎《赤壁》
新晉導演: 郭子健《青苔》
最佳亚洲电影: 《集结号》
專業成就獎: 配音演員 丁雨
終身成就獎: 蕭芳芳

All others participants of Leng Chai Leng Lui

the couples..
Donnie Yen and wife

Tony Leung & Carina Lau

Nick Cheung & Esther Kwan

熊黛林 Lynn

林志玲 Ling Zhilin

周迅 Zhou Xun

湯唯 Tang Wei

吳君如 Sandra Ng

毛舜筠 Teresa Mo

the 頒奬嘉賓

Miriam Yeung & Richie Ren

Karina Lau & Anita Yuen

Chi Lam & Michael Tse (Laughing Kor)

Vanness & Wu Zhun

Jacky Cheung & Sandy Lam singing performance is great...

HOCC and Kay is one of the host tonight too..!!



Album: HOCC2 (AVCD) [unbox]

start to take out my collections to share in my blog... hahhaa

何韻詩, Denise Ho - known as HOCC

this is her second album's second version released in year 2002.

bought this few years back (when hocc's was not so well-known in Malaysia yet) at Tower Records @ Gurney Plaza Penang .... I feel to lucky to found the album there... coz its really cant to find now... believe that think a bunch of ''gootoes'' (菇徒) (just in case you wonder..why is 菇? because HOCC calls herself that) is searching around for it... hehheee

Release date: 2002-05-03
Publisher: EMI Music

many funny face action in the booklet....

one of page in the booklet..

back cover

i really don't know where to get this already... i think the only way to get it will be from online auctions... =.='' but the price will be SCARY....
OR may be search around those small town's old music shops...

Product Information / Track List

何韻詩加盟EMI後首張《Hocc2》終於正式推出。大碟中收錄了七首新歌,包括由她親自作曲的主打「天使藍」、「未來」及「迷你與我」等。另外,千萬別錯過兩首Hidden Tracks。

01. 電腦檔案 (Computer File)
02. 迷你與我 MV (Mini and I (Music Video))
03. 天使藍 MV (Angelic Blue (Music Video))
04. 迷你與我 (Mini and I)
05. 未來 (Future)
06. 水花四濺 (Splash)
07. 天使藍 (Angelic Blue)
08. 露絲瑪莉 (Rosemary)
09. 結他教室 (Guitar Classroom)
10. 天使藍 (Acoustic) (Angelic Blue) (+2 Hidden Tracks)


Friday, April 17, 2009

Album: Goomusic Collection 04-08 [unbox]

**edited from my original blog maro^gal space, before I had this entertainment blog**

Had been a long time i din't update my collection of albums... have to rearrange for my blog.

this is the Goomusic Collection 2004-2008 i bought it from Yesasia last year.

my Goomusic Collection box set..!!! i chosen the yellow wan at last.... from 4 colors
May refer bac to previous post : GooMusic Hall1C Shop

Goomusic Collection 2004-2008 New + Best Selection (2CD + Karaoke DVD)
Release date: 2008-04-02
Publisher: East Asia Music

the side of the box set... has a goo shape hole.. hahaa

da daah.... opened up...

the poster

wah.. the lyrics !!! all in 1 piece at bac of the poster..... aiks =.=''

yup... everything from the box... 2CD n 1DVD... a poster, a photo booklet etc

the goo cdz..

randomly took jor some pix

ahaha.. hocc is so funny...

yeah yeah...!!!

can be purchased from :
b) rock corner music shop

Product Information / Track List
2 CD 包括4首全新歌曲:- “劍雪” (鄭秀文 合唱)
電台熱播 “韻律泳” 密切留意 “滿地可” 及 “萬花筒”
另加5首remix 21首精選歌曲 合共30首歌曲

首批加送 DVD收錄 2首新歌MV “劍雪” “韻律泳”
及14首精選Karaoke MV 合共16首MV

CD 1
01. 劍雪 (new)
02. 韻律泳 (new)
03. 滿地可 (new)
04. 萬花筒 (new)
05. 光明會
06. 艷光四射 (美艷到不行)
07. 花見
08. 明目張膽
09. 十八相送
10. 你是八十年代
11. 花迷戀
12. 幽默感
13. 嘆息橋
14. 木紋 (Wooden Heart Mix)
15. 勞斯.萊斯

CD 2
01. 艷光四射 (Marching Version)
02. 花見 (Big Band Version)
03. 勞斯.萊斯 (Blues Version)
04. 你是八十年代 (Disco Version)
05. 光明會 (明教教主版)
06. 滿城盡帶黃金甲
07. 願我可以學會放低你
08. 大紅袍
09. 汽水樽裡的咖啡
10. 第三身
11. 化蝶
12. 如無意外
13. 圓滿
Bonus Tracks:
14. 英雄心
15. 傷城秘密

Karaoke DVD
01. 韻律泳 (MV Only)
02. 劍雪 (MV Only)
03. 艷光四射
04. 如無意外
05. 你是八十年代
06. 明目張膽
07. 艷光四射 (美艷到不行)
08. 化蝶
09. 勞斯.萊斯
10. 汽水樽裡的咖啡
11. 禁色
12. 花見
13. 願我可以學會放低你
14. 木紋
15. 圓滿
16. 光明會
Bonus Tracks
未來 (Music Matters Live)


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Movie: Shinjuku Incident

Watched Shinjuku Incident (新宿事件) last week with Jing and Leng jie.

I never watch the trailer and don't know what this movie is about... so i just expect from all the previous Movies of Jackie Chan, this is another movie of his fighting and his kind of ''joke''. 

But hey... this movie is actually 18PL !! no jokes no much kungfu fighting... HOWEVER too much violent fighting (piek yau 劈友) scenes.. and quite disgusting and gerli..!!! not suitable for KIDS... hahahhaa

Jackie Chan as Steelhead, in this movie was just TOO serious and hmmm he really looks old already...

the story started he sneak into Japan illegally to search for his fiancee, Xiu Xiu (Yuko) by Xu Jinglei 徐靜雷 (too young to be with Jacky Chan la... especially when they stand together... looks like his youngest sister =.='')  whom had already married to Eguchi, a yakuza boss and have a very cute daughter.

Steelhead's gf in Japan, Lily by Fan Bingbing, a mama-san at a local night club, where a place for most chinese immigrants for a drink.

a friend of Steelhead, Daniel Wu as Ah Jie. He helped Steelhead to settle down in Japan. his character is the most innocent and always got beaten badly. 

One incident he become disfigured and lost one of his arm. Ah Jie was unable to get over the trauma (even until he died), and his personality goes through a dramatic change and soon started peddling on drugs. He later looks like a ''joker''... 

Yuko's husband, Eguchi by Masaya Kato. He is embroiled in an internal tussle for gang leadership and makes use of Steelhead to help him achieve his aims. Funny is that He as the yakuza boss, was always out alone without any ''gang'' or bodyguard.... he was attacked twice on his 2 outing. 

Naoto Takenaka as Kitano, is the Japanese police officer who investigate on the group of illegal immigrants. He was saved by Steelhead in an incident and then they develop a grudging respect between themselves. At last Kitano was able to break the major narcotics case involving the Yakuza with the help of Steelhead.

He is one of the Chinese gangster under the control of the Japanese Yakuza... his ''yee pit kai'' is so funny... hehheee 

the story ends.... with all the chinese died in the big ''fighting''..... 

one of the major attractive of the movie is that... there were too many languages in the movie... English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese.. and also Hokkien..!!  hahhaaa

Jackie Chan and Daniel Wu came for the Shinjuku Incident Premieres in Malaysia

my ratings : 5.5 / 10




credits : Official Web,, youtube, GSC Cinema


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