Quite sometime did not see Jacky Chan's movie. Surprisingly Lee Hom is one of the main character in his movie.. Lee's first movie probably?? he looks so ''green'' in the movie hahaha.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Movie: Little Big Soldier (大兵小將)
Quite sometime did not see Jacky Chan's movie. Surprisingly Lee Hom is one of the main character in his movie.. Lee's first movie probably?? he looks so ''green'' in the movie hahaha.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Movie: All Well's End Well's 2010 (花田喜事)
credits : youtube, GSC Cinema
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Man and Woman, War and Peace (Singapore)
男人與女人之戰爭與和平 舞台劇
Man and Woman, War and Peace
by Edward Lam Dance Theatre (Hong Kong/ Taiwan)
Date / Time
19 Feb 2010, Fri 8pm
20 Feb 2010, Sat 2.30pm & 8pm
Esplanade Theatre, Singapore
150mins, including 20mins intermission
Ticket Price
$38, $48, $68, $88, $108
It is war between the sexes and the weapons seem to be razor-sharp wit, brute machismo and lethal beauty. But, wait, the men are turning into boys and the women are turning into men!
Who really are the “men” and “women” in this battle? Who will succumb first to love? And who will be the most brutal to achieve victory at all costs?In Man and Woman, War and Peace, the practice of love becomes a complex battlefield in which a multitude of conventionally male, typically female and androgynous characters, played by six actors and six actresses, in two competing TV shows about relationships, show you how they recruit an army for their cause and fight to win.
Featuring Taiwanese idol Ariel Lin, multi-faceted Taiwanese actor David Wang (also in Lam’s previous productions, What is Man and Design for Living), and renowned Hong Kong music producer and Cantopop star Denise Ho among its famous, young cast and crew, Man and Woman, War and Peace is acclaimed Hong Kong director Edward Lam’s latest theatre production – a fast-paced, sharply witty urban play about the perennial love/hate relationship between the sexes, but minus the clichés, and with a twist.
爱情,将从此消失!一出爱不厌诈斗不嫌倦的现代都会舞台剧, 香港名导演林奕华另一全新佳作,由台湾型男王耀庆、偶像剧小天后林依晨,以及香港唱作音乐人何韵诗主演。
Some promotional pictures
Denise Ho
David Wang
Friday, February 12, 2010
Movie: 72 Tenants of Properity (72家祖客)
Can't wait to watch this after CNY... so yesterday night after work went 1U to watch it already..!!!
a CNY movie of over 180 artists!!... how can you not watch it? hahaa
This movie 72家租客 is origin from the oldies movie - 七十二家房客 over 30 years ago..
The story is about the tenants of the happenning street of Mongkok in HK. Rushing of time.. Found a detailed synopsis from wiki,
In 1970s Hong Kong, rapacious landlords try to evict 72 tenants but sworn brothers Ha Kung (Eric Tsang) and Shek Kin (Jacky Cheung) help the group of 72 defeat the landlord (Lam Ka Tung) and landlady (Charmaine Sheh) and coincidentally rescue Pinky (Anita Yuen) from a planned forced marriage. When both sworn brothers fall for Pinky and propose to her, she flips a coin heads or tails and Ha wins her hand in marriage.
The sworn brothers become sworn enemies and Sheks hatred fuels intense rivalry against Ha in business dealings ranging from the manufacture of plastic flowers to the selling of stinky bean curd. Even after 40 years they continue to clash and in 2010 they are in keen competition selling electronics appliances in Sai Yeung Choi Street, Mongkok, the busiest street in the city and still home to the 72 tenants. [Full synopsis]
some pictures
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Sammi LOVE MI World Tour Concert 2010 (Genting, Malaysia)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Movie: Tiger WooHoo! 大日子
在马来西亚东海岸的米昔拉村,一直有个渊源流长的传统习俗——就是每一甲子(六十年),在酬神祭奠的大日子里,必定会以“舞虎”来酬谢天后娘娘。但是上一次在祭典上表演“舞虎”的连八记(萧斐弘 饰),现在已是风烛残年的老人,而且村子里已经没有年轻人可以接棒表演“舞虎”了。八记的孙女阿连(曾洁钰 饰)惟有刊登征聘广告,以万元月薪招聘“舞虎”新丁。
冲动好胜的银行保安阿炳 (林德荣 饰),忠实憨厚的炒馃条小贩阿发 (杨佳贤 饰)和嘴硬心软的造型摄影师Rain (陈志康 饰),各自都在生活中遇到了瓶颈,于是马上被“月入过万”的征聘广告给吸引了。另一边厢,满脑子武打功夫梦的大学生Bobby (邱文博 饰)也来到了米昔拉村,加上急功近利的村长儿子Alan (颜江瀚 饰),五个性格各异的年轻人,就这样因“舞虎”而聚头。
众人在连八记的指点下,苦练舞虎,但是训练的过程仍然是一波三折。先是担任虎头的阿发,发现连八记的大孙女,竟然是自己藕断丝连的前女友Mindy (萧慧敏 饰)。阿发心情大受影响,如何苦练都无法成功上桩。连八记告诉阿发上桩的秘诀,同时也暗示阿发应该向Mindy证明自己的实力。阿发获得提点之后,终于开窍了,并成功地上桩了。正当大家以为舞虎祭典终于能顺利演出之时,舞虎用的虎头竟然被发疯的老水牛踩坏了。距离舞虎祭典只剩下三天,舞虎团是否能渡过这次的难关呢?阿发和Mindy是否能再续前缘呢?阿炳和阿连这对欢喜冤家,又有什么样的结局呢?
Some of the pictures in the movie:
Ah Lian's little brother.. hahaa he is so chubby and cute
tough training.. hahaa
my ratings: 6.5/ 10