Monday, June 29, 2009

HOCC 2009 Concert Theme Song ''舊約''


the theme song is now OFFICIALLY out on the world wide web fresh from the oven !!!

even with the MP3 download link !! its totally FREE and LEGAL to download.

she is so crazy..!! hahahaaa i think its totally out of control to prevent pirated.... so why not she just distribute it herself... create the mp3 herself... this is so great...!!

here goes the 5 options to listen/ download the song provided by HOCC 何韻詩

option 1
listen live through official Goomusic website:

option 2
download mp3 from the link here : download

option 3
get it from

option 4
listen from douban 豆瓣 :

option 5
listen it from youtube :

the lyric of the song in my previous post : HOCC's new song ~ 舊約

share these links out to your friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers!! hahaaa
post it in your blog, msn, email, twitter, forums or any other place you can think of.

~光明會 returns~
save the world save the date 10102009

enjoy... :-)


Sunday, June 28, 2009

HOCC's new song ~ 舊約

Denise HoCC latest new song for the coming concert in October 2009.

the full song lyric, Save the world Save the date 10102009


作曲: 陳奐仁for the invisible men/ 何秉舜@goomusic
填詞: 黃偉文
編曲: 陳奐仁for the invisible men/ 何秉舜@goomusic
監製: 陳奐仁for the invisible men/ 何秉舜@goomusic/ hocc@goomusic

危急時間 有力氣

尋常的我 從來無一點 傳奇
何解今天會飛 都只因你起

捱一顆子彈 一波海嘯 兩場地震
約會約好 鐵鞋踏碎 都撐下去
攔一輛坦克 一支火箭 百人換上武裝 也無懼
誰為約定 能這麼 飽經風雨 又行雷
朝你身影 走過去
誰要阻止 不要去 我亦去

臨危想你 平凡人基因 突然
夷平圍牆千里 還擒拿幾艘戰機
凌空轉體八週 再着地~

捱一顆子彈 一波海嘯 兩場地震
約會約好 鐵鞋踏碎 都撐下去
攔一輛坦克 一支火箭 百人換上武裝 也無懼
誰為約定 能這麼 飽經風雨 又行雷
忘我演出 壯舉

來一束死光 一天飛劍 兩輪疫症
要是我知 你還赴約 怎會後退
練一尊金身 一雙天眼 滿懷熱血 再險 也無懼
純為証實 人世間 生死之約 尚留傳
像鉄金剛 衝過去
誠心和你 約會去

准我舉起五噸的吊臂 為你

the song will be out tomorrow on 29-June-2009
stay tuned to HK radio, Goomusic Website, and also facebook, twitter OR youtube.

光明會 returns !
Save the world Save the date 10102009

p/s: 光明會 is the theme song of the Concert in 2006 : HOCC Live in Unity 2006
the red logo is the theme logo of the concert 2006 too: souvenir


Saturday, June 27, 2009

~光明會 returns~


光明會 十萬個黨員 。。唔止。。係千千萬萬呀!!

for the coming concert in OCTOBER 2009 !

save the world ... save the date 10102009 我們回來了!!

source : gooblog


R.I.P. ~ Michael Jackson


love this 2 songs of MJ

Heal the World

source: youtube

You are not alone

source: youtube


Sunday, June 7, 2009

HOCC promo tour in Malaysia 2006 (KL)

was transferring and arranging my blog post recently... will shift over some memorable post from my previous Yahoo! blog...

shifted from my previous Yahoo! blog .

HOCC 大馬 promo tour 尾站-瓜啦聾波

網誌日期:2006-11-18 00:12

今日AhC 係大馬最尾一站啊....!! sg wang....
very tired ar... so lazy to type much... hahaahaaaa... see pix la... the pix tells all...
AhC really very cute... kekeeee

the stage...

went there with hocc fanz... and met esther and suen there  (wah me 3 yrs ago hahah)

bobo was chosen to go on stage... rehearsal.... kekekeeee

they got to talk and hug ahC on the stage..!!! hahhaa


after that ... we line up for her autograph... ..... then we rush to KLIA...

KLIA airport... kekee.... forgotten to bring down the camera... so use HP la.....

really having a wonderful day.. to seremban and sg wang... and KLIA......1st time doin all these things jus becos of ahC....

hahaa... dunno when ahC will come malaysia to hav concert leh??... lets pray.... kekekkeee...

must thanx alot of ppl toooo.....say i cheung hei also wanna say again la... kekeeeee...
thx wei for everything she did.... and... bobo, chris and jean toooo... so happy to know u all...having a very very great time with u all.....!!!!.' we stand as one''.....


Saturday, June 6, 2009

HOCC promo tour in Malaysia 2006 (Seremban)

was transferring and arranging my blog post recently... will shift over some memorable post from my previous Yahoo! blog...

shifted from my previous Yahoo! blog .

HOCC 大馬 promo tour 芙蓉

網誌日期:2006-11-16 22:38

第一次...見 hocc Msia Fanz (bobo, wei, chris, Jean, etc) ....

搭KTM Kommuter (火車)去芙蓉....

哈哈... 經過所謂geh山卡拉...

wei n bobo play magic..... 白T變左黃 T....

the stage....

Msia fanz and HK fanz... !!

AhC 唱緊 ''花見''...

哎呀... 唔識搞個相機..... 蒙蒙地... is AhC looking n pointing at me?? ...

轉左去ISO400... 相仔清D喇...


988 DJ....

大部份D相仔就好似我名咁夢喳喳lor..... hahahhaaaaa

Ah C 好''鄭''.. 好 yeng啊!!.... she is so cute la... 比ahC 簽左一隻CD喳..... 寫埋名ge... yeah..!!...
Ah C簽完仲望住我笑得好甜... 我比佢電到忘記左握手tim....!!!!
today really fun playing with u all... thanks a lot bobo, wei, chris... and a new gootoe jean...!!!!!!!!!!

others went down to JB for nex session.... i'll only meet u all tomolo to sg wang meet HOCC again..!!!... yeah..!!!

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