Monday, March 9, 2009

Movie: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

''I was born under unusual circumstances.''
And so begins “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” adapted from the 1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man who is born in his eighties and ages backwards. A man, like any of us, unable to stop time. We follow his story set in New Orleans from the end of World War I in 1918, into the 21st century, following his journey that is as unusual as any man’s life can be. Directed by David Fincher, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” is a time traveler’s tale of the people and places he bumps into along the way, the loves he loses and finds, the joys of life and the sadness of death, and what lasts beyond time.

the story goes by Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt)'s daughter reading out his dairy to her mum, Julia (Cate Blanchett) about his whole life.

Benjamin losses his mother in childhood and his father, a button manufacturer (Jason Flemying), is so horrified by the child 's ravaged appearance that he then abandon him. He was then raised up the loving black employee, Queenie (Taraji P. Henson). Benjamin, who the doctor claims that he was one foot in the grave already, spends his days on the porch of the old folk's home. But instead of dying, he grows taller, stronger and even younger while others were aging. 

Benjamin met Julia, when she was just a child. 

But as he grew younger and Julia grew older, they fall in love and get married when they are almost the same age.

They had a baby gal, and Benjamin later left them because he knew that he will be getting younger and he had no more ability to take care of them both.  

it was sad Julia found Benjamin when he was just about 10 yrs old and he had forgotten everything about the past. In the end he died as a baby in Julia's arm.

The movie was about 3 hours long. actually i felt bit boring in the middle... the story of Benjamin bit too lengthy when he was at old age. but quite short when he was young and handsome... hahahaa  

my ratings : 7.5 /10


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